“As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him;
for He knows how we are formed, He remembers that we are dust.” (Psalm 103:13-14)
Dust!! It’s all around us all the time! No getting away from it!
Lent begins with the reminder that we are all dust and to dust we shall return… Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving are the three hallmarks of the Lenten season, but for Cursillistas, they are part of our daily lives along with Piety, Study, and Action-no getting away from them! 😊
What do we give up during the 40 Days of Lent that should become habitual for us during the other 325 days of the year? How can we draw closer to the Lord through habitual PRAYER (piety), FASTING (studying ourselves and ridding ourselves of the habits that keep us from drawing closer to Christ), and ALMSGIVING (apostolic action/evangelization to help others to draw closer to Christ)? I began attending daily Mass about 25 years ago during Lent and I still attend daily Mass as part of my daily prayer life and study of the Scriptures. They, along with the homilies help me to contemplate my daily actions and how I can be an effective apostle for Christ. Giving up chocolate is still a challenge for me….
We are now preparing for our Spring Cursillo weekends which will again be held at Camp Sentinel in Tuftonboro, NH. More details are on the Applications Form tab. Please consider a Lenten Resolution of yours to invite your friends to live a Cursillo weekend and then, to live the Method of Piety, Study, and Action in their Fourth Day. If we want the Movement to continue to grow in NH, we should all search our environments (our square meters) for people who could benefit from deepening their relationship with Christ, and to then be leaven for their environment. Remember, “Christ is counting on you! And we on Him!!” 😊
May we dust those cobwebs out of our spiritual lives and be the “leaven” to bring our friends closer to our Lord and Savior. God bless and De Colores. A blessed Lent to all.