What is Authentic Palanca?

What is Authentic Palanca?

(from the Leaders’ Manual: The US National Cursillo Movement, May 2003, 8th edition, pp 135-140)  

An Authentic Palanca is the prayer and sacrifice offered by Christians.  The Spanish word means “lever,” like a fulcrum or seesaw that helps to move a heavy object more easily.  God’s grace is indispensable in the conversion process of each of us and of groups.  The cornerstone of this grace is prayer.   Palanca + God’s grace= conversion. “We must affirm that before anything else, the most characteristic mark of the Cursillo methodology ties in the whole concept of Palanca prayers, sacrifices, and work of mercy.  Palanca must be genuine and offered by communities and individuals living in union with Christ and each other if the effectiveness of all other human efforts in the Movement is to be assured.” (LM p. 135)

Authentic Palanca are not posters, banners, flowers, friendship letters or good wishes.  Letters in themselves are not Palanca, but the actions conveyed in the letters are.  Keep in mind that Palanca can be performed for various purposes without letters being written. All of us need this kind of daily Palanca.

“Palanca offerings should not be limited to the three days, but should be offered for all aspects of the Movement including, but not limited to, the selection of teams, candidates, the study of the environments, the growth of Group Reunions, Ultreyas, and especially the work of the Secretariats and School of Leaders.” (LM p. 136)

Palanca should also be an active part of each phase of Cursillo:

  •  Pre-Cursillo - for the evangelization stage, and for potential candidates and their ability to attend a weekend
  •  3-Day weekend- “The role of the outside community is passive and isolated in terms of the Weekend, except for its Palanca...for participants (team and candidates…to give witness to the solidarity of the members of the Church.) (LM p. 138)
  •  The Post-Cursillo- new Cursillistas will be leaving the cloistered Christ-centered environment and returning to the environments they left on Thursday.  They will now need our Palanca and support to help them to continue to live for Christ in grace.  This is where Ultreya, Group Reunions, and School of Leaders will also need Palanca for their continued success. (LM p. 139)

“All is done for the purpose of building up God’s Kingdon here on Earth.  The leaders need the ongoing prayers, sacrifices, love, and support of the Cursillo community.  In other words, they need Palanca for the efforts they are making on behalf of Christ for the Cursillo Movement.” (LM p. 140)

Palanca should not be limited to one geographical area, but seen as a universal tool for the Movement within the universal Church of which we are all a part. (LM p. 140).  

Why General Palanca vs Personal Palanca during the 3 Day Weekend? 

(Reference: A School of Leaders rollo given by Gail Terrana (World Cursillo Secretariat member) to the Rochester, NY School of Leaders in September, 2023.)

  • It was never the intent of the original Movement to send personal Palanca as the Weekends are about the communal prayers and sacrifices for primarily, the success of the overall weekend, and then, individuals (this is important, too).
  • Personally knowing the new Cursillista is not necessary for Grace to flow.  This is a “One for All” activity by the Fourth Day Community. 
  • Personal Palanca, in a way, could disrupt the cloister of the weekend, as the notes could disrupt the openness/attentiveness to the conversion process. 
  • Some may be confused/upset if they do not receive (a) personal note(s) while others do.
  • Personal Palanca notes could create an obligation to reciprocate or discomfort if the palanca is seen to be solely for that person and not the group.
  • Cursillo is a communal Movement, so we seek to show this at all times, by even invoking the saints' intercessory prayers to show the communal aspect for the weekend.
  • When Palanca is introduced by the Rector/a, this showcases the laity as a powerful force behind God’s Grace.  The final step in the weekend progression is the Fourth Day Community so Palanca is seen “in the flesh.”  Truth about communion and Life In Grace is now realized. 

For further reading this is an article on the National Cursillo website:   palanca.pdf (natl-cursillo.org)